January 17, 2025

Muslim World Education Moment. The word for today is INTIFADA.

Intifada which means “an uprising”, is what is happening right now in Gaza. The Muslim world causing the suffering of its people is FUNDAMENTAL to Intifada.  The Syrian civil war is also an example of Intifada.  Intifada’s goal is to invoke pity on Muslim peoples from oppressive leadership that invokes either Western importing of refugees or large-scale payments.  Muslim leadership that invokes Intifada has one of two purposes.  1.  To plant sleeper terrorist factions in Western countries, which the Syrian civil war did a brilliant job of in the EU, or  2.  To motivate the Western powers to pay them off to put a stop to the Intifada. 

Yassar Arafat, an Egyptian by birth, not even a so called Palestinian, Palestine doesn’t really exist as a territory or ethnic group, was brilliant at using Intifada to get paid.  He died a billionaire living in luxury in Tunisia while Palestinians suffered.  Bill Clinton masterminded these payments in the name of peace, FOOLISH, and NIAVE. This is the exact card that that Ismail Haniyeh, who lives in Qatar in luxury, the current world-recognized leader of Hamas, the renamed Palestinian Liberation Organization PLO, is playing.  Accept Haniyeh is calling for GLOBAL Intifada, which is why you see pro-Palestinian demonstrations at Universities throughout the US.  Both HAMAS and the former PLO are terrorist groups who call for the destruction of Israel and get paid by the Western world to fund their efforts through the deliberate and calculated use of Chaos (Intifada) by causing the suffering of their people.  

“Both HAMAS and the former PLO are terrorist groups who call for the destruction of Israel and get paid by the Western world to fund their efforts through the deliberate and calculated use of Chaos (Intifada) by causing the suffering of their people. ”  

Our IDIOT President, Joe Biden continues to play the fool by giving IRAN more money to hopefully stop the madness.  HAMAS/Iran is playing Biden like a drum.  Joe Biden is funding genocide they say.  Ole hair sniffing inappropriate levels of physical touch creepy Joe can’t possibly be associated with Genocide.  What is Joe to do?  Poor Senile Joe…

Biden is a fool of epic proportion and has done more to destabilize the world than any other president in US history.  Why?  Because the world doesn’t fear Joe Biden, they know he will sell his soul for a buck, which he proves repeatedly.  If Trump was President, NONE of this would be happening.  Bidens latest payment of $10 BILLION last November to Iran is more evidence that his senility has reached treasonous proportions.  Read all about it – https://www.iranintl.com/en/202311150106

One only looks to the reality that NO Muslim/Arab country has said they will take Palestinian refugees to recognize, that while the Arab world might put on a good face, like the latest publicized cease fire, which oh by the way, Israel was not at the negotiating table, they too work covertly through good intention to underpin the agenda of Intifada.  The Muslim/Arab world creates lies so they can look good to the Western world by trying to shame Israel and the Western world.  It takes the two factions fighting to agree to a cease-fire, Israel has not agreed and I’m glad they have not.  It is my sincere hope that Israel wipes HAMAS from the face of the earth, and we expel anyone who is a sympathizer from public office and from the country.  Why does this so-called religion of peace, not help their brothers and sisters in need?  Muslim terrorists justify, and the Islamic world is complicit, in lying to the infidel as justifiable to forward the cause of Islam.

What do terrorists think about lying to the infidel and how to they justify it with the Quran?


Terrorist groups often use the concept of “taqiyya” or “kitman”, as mentioned earlier, to justify lying to infidels in order to advance their extremist agenda. They interpret certain verses in the Quran, such as Surah 2:225 and Surah 3:28, as permitting them to conceal their true intentions or mislead non-believers.


Surah 2:225 – Allah will not take you to task for the oaths you utter in vain.


Surah  3:28 –  The believers may not take the unbelievers for their allies in preference to those who believe. 

When you hear Global Intifada, it means the Muslim world is looking to take the chaos of Gaza globally. The thing about an Intifada is that the Muslim world destabilizes its people to accomplish it. Children are taken out of school, normal life is disrupted, people who stand against it are beheaded, that sort of thing.  Women and Children are utilized as human shields to invoke Western pitty. EXACTLY what you see happening in Gaza.

HAMAS today holds 129 Israeli captives taken on Oct 7th.  As an American, Israel, you have my permission and heart felt desire to destroy HAMAS.  Get your people back and feel no remorse for the collateral damage that is caused by accomplishing your mission.  If HAMAS and the Muslim world cared about those women and children, they would get them out.  Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and IRAN will NOT take 1 Palestinian refugee.  If they won’t, neither should we.  I pray for the Middle East, they all need Jesus!

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