January 17, 2025

It started January 20, 2017, the day Donald Trump took office.  Cries of impeach him.  RESIST. He’s horrible.  Donald Trump is to be hated.  He screwed his contractors.  How many times has he gone bankrupt?  He lies about his wealth.  He’s grabbed them by the pussy.  He had an affair with Stormy Daniels.  Hi Stormy, remember me from the Gold Club in Baton Rouge? He’s an ego maniac.  He’s a racists.  He’s a misogynism.  He’s the devil.  He is PATRIARCHE!  He is WHITE POWER!!!  DOWN WITH WHITE POWER.  Oh wait a minute, I’m white… things that make you go hmmm.  

After spending the entirity of the Obama administration, who I voted for twice, faithfully beating the everything NOT the liberal agenda is racist now expanded to anything not the liberal agenda is un-American, when Donald Trump took office, I dismissed him as #NotMyPresident and #Resist and #Misogynist but now I can see, that those attitudes in and of themselves were Anti-American.  Hate against something is hate, even if you wrap it up in a nice little liberal package.  Liberals THRIVE on hate, its pretty much all they have.   I totally get what it means when words are weaponized.  Liberals are the best at doing it.  

Since our founding, we have had the peaceful transfer of power combined with the space to disagree and the battle continues through thoughtful debate, but what I realize now, is that liberals had lowered the bar so low, that stoking peoples anger and hatred was the weapon of choice.  Liberals don’t think, they react.  When is the last time a liberal would have a rational discussion with you about anything political?  If you aren’t in their camp, they aren’t interested in being challenged.  I think that is what being small minded means.  Objectivity does not exist. 

This is proved out so well by the corporate censorship by Facebook and the ever so worshipped Jeff Bezos, whose Amazon Web Services hosts an estimated 50% of all American websites and the Washington Post now is his personal lobbying mechanism.  Talk about WAY to much power in one persons hands.  CNN Atlanta is the Headquarters of the DNC as far as I’m concerned.  

Liberals are SO FULL of anger, that it takes doing some anger management with them to even get them to a place where they can take a deep breath and actually have a conversation about something meaningful, considerate, objective or logical.  Liberals took us to this divide.  I know, I was complicit.  I spent the better part of a decade calling anything NOT the liberal agenda racist.  Its a cop out and the easy road, fueled by the ever present anger at mostly white men.  The Don was the perfect storm.  

So why the hatred of Donald Trump?  Well, he is a white man.  He is super rich.  He is focused and ruthless.  He did divorce his first wife for a younger more beautiful woman.  He is patriarchal.  He is traditional.  He is an egomaniac.  He loves the spotlight.  He is provocative for the sheer fun and strategy of being provocative.  He figured out how to give all the deplorables a voice after they had been silenced as racists.   He is NOT a feminized, controlled, stepping on egg shells, deveined, emotionally castrated man that the Liberal World wants, enter Joe Biden.  He is a direct threat to the liberal agenda of the suppression of men.  

I’m a conservative Christian.  Which means, I believe that anyone who doesn’t know Jesus and has been given the gift of faith in him, is on the way to the lake of fire for an eternity of the unquenchable fire as their only experience.  When a Christian says they are saved, that is what they are saved from.  Hell.  Its by faith I say these things, they are not logical conclusions, but with faith they make perfect sense.  Jesus gave me my faith about 6-7 months ago at the last update to this article.  Before Jesus gave me faith in him, I was a liberal, fire breathing, god-hating, LGBTQ+ Alley rainbow flag waving all things white men and all things men are wrong fire breathing atheist.  If Jesus changed my heart, he can change anyone’s heart.  

The chinc in the armor of my liberal enthusiasm was this talk Debunking The ‘Trump is a Racist’ Myth—Larry Elder

As I listened to Larry Elder present the evidence of what Trump said and has done and the foaming at the mouth liberal rage responses they received, I had to finally admit, that Liberals were the ones stretching the truth, not conservatives.  

I was also spending a lot of time listening to Jordan Peterson.  This man was standing up against the policy of compelled speech by the Canadian Government. Its all being done in the name of supporting LGBTQ+ so your either a gay hater racist or your on our side.  No, government compelled speech is a direct violation of the first amendment of US Constitution, the freedom of speech.  

Now I realized that I had two major strikes against me.  First, I was a white male.  The scapegoat for every problem ever in history.  Sorry, I’m not interested in catholic style flogging of myself for something I had absolutely nothing to do with.  Second, through my starting to question anything the liberal agenda on Facebook, I realized that if I was not touting the party line, I was immediately the enemy being called names and dismissed as a misinformationist.    

Is there systemic racism in America?  I believe there is, but today, that looks like the policies of the Democratic party which have devastated the black family and created now two generations of young black men with no father figure.  Feminism is winning and its terrifying.  You sure the democrats are your friends black America?  Black America was doing a LOT better under Trump than they are under Biden.  But that “we are victims” story is at an all time high of acceptance and granularity.  I think the DNC is the most racist organization on earth and looks a lot more like fascist than it does Democratic.  Just try to have a differing opinion with a liberal and see where it gets you.  I bet it takes about 3 seconds for them to call you a name and dismiss you as the enemy.  I hated what being an anger filled liberal did to me.  I hope this article will help you see if you are one or not and make a change towards actually equality that Dr. Martin Luther King talked about, that we judge each other on the content of our character.  Liberals, I just you as hate mongers, that seems to be the foundation of your character.  

Concervatives want less government, less regulation, less taxes and more freedom.  I don’t care what you do with your life, its your life, live it as how you see fit, but I’ll fight to the last if you try to tell me that you get to legislate morality.  God already did that in the Bible, it would be best for all of us if Liberals would realize that most of what they push, its offensive to God.  This life is a vapor, an instant in eternity.  The argument for defying God’s law for this minute of time against eternity is a fools errand.  




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